Happy Thursday friends. I feel like I am running behind with everything today but I still wanted to get this post done. I think its important to embrace the things you are thankful for not only each week but each day really. For the longest time I kept a gratitude journal and it really did make a huge difference in my life. Today I am totally thankful for:
The Village that Helps Raise my Kids
I am putting God at the top because I can't even begin to tell you the prayers that I have sent up over my kids. I have prayed for them since the moment I found out they were coming. I have asked God to protect them while showing me the way to be a better parent each day. And I really feel that God is very present in our village of support. I think both of my kids are spiritual and I want them to always love God. They both read the bible and Jackson is learning more and more everyday about God and the scriptures. God is all around us.
Our family is totally at the top of the support system and a big part of raising our kids. More specifically My mom is always there to help in any way she can. I don't always agree with her but I really value her love and support. She has a very important role in the the kids lives. Scott's sister Trina is a huge source of support to us too. She has helped in so many ways but most importantly, she has always been there to listen when Scott or I need to talk about the kids. My Sister Laci is growing up right before my eyes and she is no longer a baby. She is a woman with very unique points of view that I totally value. Many times she helps me see things from a new point of view. Don.. my moms partner is always loving and kind with his advice and he is a logical thinker that helps with us emotional women. Also Scotts Step Mother is starting to listen more about the kids and really share her experiences in hopes that it might help. Both Jackson's fathers - His dad and his stepfather are both support systems. I believe both want Jackson happy and will help in anyway the kids need.
Our loving loyal friends have totally helped me. My best friend Shanna has been a life saver over the years in regard to the kids. She hears all my parenting mistakes and issues and never judges. She always is there to give me the most honest straight forward advice that I always need to hear. All of our friends - blog & youtube are wonderful support to our family because they are going through it with us with their own kids. You guys are always so supportive, informative, and honest with me. We all learn from each other.
I cannot even express how thankful I am for both of Jackson's teachers this year. Bless them because I know that teaching my son is a bit of a challenge. They are underpaid, overworked, and both of his teachers have been so helpful. I mean... I listen to everything they tell me. They are smart women who work hard with Jackson everyday. I know they take more time out for them than they others. Jackson needs more attention that most kids and I know its not easy. We are in constant contact and for 4 days this week they have let me know that he has been doing super good.. I couldn't be more proud. Brittany makes A's and does so well in school and I am thankful to her teachers too for all they do.
I am also very thankful to the Dr's who have helped our kids from the very beginning. Brittany was a pretty healthy baby but Jackson was born early.. he was so little. Jackson went to the Dr. today and he spent an hour with us talking through Jackson's health. An hour you guys. That says something when we live in such a busy world. I was happy with the care he recieved today and more importantly Jackson liked his new Dr. I don't know how I would do it without the Dr.'s.
I am sure I am leaving people out .. but I am thankful for everyone who is a part of our lives helping raise our kids. I know it takes a village to raise a child and I truly love you guys and thankful for all your love and support.
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