Happy Wednesday Friends! . I am linking up with Shannon from over at Life after I "Dew". for So What Wednesday. Perfect for starting the new year!

So What…
I hope you are having a wonderful evening! I will be back in just a bit with a new open box video... stay tuned!- Its been a lazy day with husby home. Wednesdays are his off days so sometimes we rip and run and other weeks we have lazy days.. Yea.. totally totally lazy ass day.
- I am uploading more than one video a day at this point. I have so much I want to share with you that there is no other way than double posting plus our daily vlogs. Lots of new videos on the way including my Erin Condren Open Box Video will be live soon!
- I totally forgot to marinate the chicken for tonights dinner. So switching it up to something else or having left overs. Hope the boys don't mind!
- My daughter laid it on me that this summer she is staying at her dads so she can go to cheer camp. H-E-A-R-T- B-R-E-A-K-I-N-G but I do understand her getting older and wanting to do her own thing at times. The kids are growing up so fast.
- I still haven't found a housekeeper. Who knew it would be so hard to find someone. I guess it is a big deal because we actually wanting someone to join our family and help out....but so far I am still stuck cleaning this big ass house on my own.
- We have missed church two weekends in a row. We watch Joel Osteen on tv on the Sunday's we stay home but its hard to get my husband going on his off day. Maybe this week will be different.
- I think it bone chilling freezing at 37 degrees. I know many others have it much worse but I have been so cold here lately. It sucks.
- .I think I am starting out with the wrong yarn to knit with. I just went for the fuzzy pretty stuff but its not working too well. Going back tomorrow for different yarn. I think I will be able to catch on pretty fast once I have a better yarn. We'll see.
- The neighbors constant abandonment of their cats pisses me off. I have been feeding cat after cat and none of the neighbors care. Its so wrong. The cats are starving and freezing.
- I forgot to run the dishwasher last night. I just started it...but I guess that goes hand in hand with not cooking tonight! :)
- American Idol has sucked me in once again. I love the combination of judges this go around. I am so looking forward to watching tomorrow!
- I want to throw out the love seat in the living room that I sit on all the time along with the coffee table I use as a desk basically and replace it with a real desk and chair. I know I will be much happier with that change but husby don't like the idea of a desk in the living room. Why not? We are the ones who live here and if it works for us why not? I think I am going desk shopping very soon. .
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