Ask the Housewife! Organizational Series - Video -

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Hello friends! I hope you are having a wonderful afternoon. Right now I am editing a new calander video that will be up this evening... but I thought I would share this video first. I had a lot of organizational questions this past month that I decided to break this series up. This video is all the organizational questions and answers. Hopefully I got all the questions sent in answered but if you don't hear yours, just resend it and I will be sure to answer it the next time around. Hope you enjoy!

Thanks for watching!

And the next video in this series will be about kids. If you have a question for me that has anything to do with kids.. my kids.. your kids.. any questions, nothing is off limits, send them in. I will get them answered within a week or two! You can use the form on my contact me page, leave your questions on my facebook page ( use a private message if you'd like ) or leave them in any of the comments. Twitter too! I think it takes a village to raise a child and maybe some of the things I went through might help someone else. I don't say names with the questions.. I never have so feel assured it will be anonymous.

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