Girl Between the Lines: What is one tangible thing you have that holds intangible value? - Video -
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Hello friends! I am back with another fun Wednesday link up for ya. Today I am joining up with Lauren from The Albrechts Blog and Hayley from A Beautiful Exchange for The Girl Between the Lines linkup. Heres more about it...
So today's topic is:
So for me one of the many things that is a tangible with an intangible value in my home is this music box from my grandfather. Instead of just telling you about it, I thought I would show you in this quick video.. Hope you enjoy!
This was given to my grandfather from his parents and now its in my home. I hope one day it will go into one of the kids houses and then into their kids homes. It meant a lot to him and it means just as much to me. I love turning it around and around to listen to the beautiful sound that gently plays. I love it.. and treasure it with all my ♥.
Happy Wednesday! :)
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I love that piece!! It's so gorgeous and the little song is too cute! It will be so cool to have that passed down throughout the generations!