Good Morning Friends! I am not so happy that I had to crawl out of my warm comfy bed this morning. Neither was Jackson. He kept begging me to let him stay home but there was no way. And we are not the only sleepy heads because Scott was still sound asleep when I got back home. Sometimes its just hard finding motivation in the morning. I am sitting here watching the sun rise with coffee in hand but no amount of coffee is ever going to make me a morning person! I don't know if I am going to stay up or not. It would be better if I just stay awake but its going to be hard. I do have more errands that I have to run later but I might just wait till tomorrow when Scott will be home with me. Maybe I will be able to catch up on some videos later. Who knows!
When I was driving home watching the sunrise across the mountains was so beautiful.
I love that we are so close to the glorious Blue Ridge Mountains. Even if I am stuck at the computer all day, I can just look out the window at those glorious mountains and feel at peace. I have always felt torn between the beach and the mountains. Both bring me peace and I am lucky that I get both most years. Part of the time in the Mountains and the other part at the beach! Even though I am still under the weather at the beginning of this week, I am so enjoying these l beautiful mountains, gorgeous fall colors, and my sweet family to complete the experience. I hope you are enjoying your days as well, and finding moments to enjoy the beauty of the season even with the daily to-dos. The fall beauty is everywhere right now and I am soaking it all in because before long, we will loose all the leaves and pretty colors which will be replaced by cold bleak winter days. I am hoping that we don't have a harsh winter but I am afraid it will come fast.. and last for a while. It seems like December and January are the worst months for me. The shorter days, lack of sun, all contribute to the winter blues. I am going to try to stay focused this year and not let that influence me that much. But the weather always plays a big part in my moods.
Anyway, I am going to enjoy this beautiful fall day and try to accomplish scratching items off my to do list one job at a time! I hope you have a wonderful Tuesday! I will be back soon with more posts and yesterdays Glam Gossip Vlog!
Happy Tuesday!
K Jaggers
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