Delicious Fall Pear & Raspberry Tart! { Video! }

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Happy Thursday Friends! Today I thought I would share this super easy fall pear and raspberry tart that anyone can make. I know we all think of apples and pumpkins for the fall, but its a great time of the year to buy pears too. This tart is so delicious...the flavors of the pear and raspberry together will just melt in your mouth! The entire house had the smells of fall swirling through it as this tart baked...and is so easy to make!

Here's the step by step video.. and below you will find the full recipe and more pictures! 

Remember you can hit the - Print Friendly - button at the bottom of this post so you don't get all the unnecessary stuff! 

I like to use a little more pear in this recipe because I love the flavor so much. And don't forget to sit this on a cookie sheet before it goes into the oven in case it bubbles over. 

Let me know if you try this tart.. or what your favorite fall dessert is! 


K Jaggers
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3 comments on "Delicious Fall Pear & Raspberry Tart! { Video! } "
  1. Your Tart recipe sounds delicious! =)
    Visiting from "Lets Get Social" Sunday!

  2. yummm, this looks so delicious! thanks for sharing :) new follower via GFC via the blog hop

  3. How pretty and it sounds yummy, too! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures


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