Hi friends! I am here this evening with a look inside the planner I am currently using. This video is pretty long and I still have part 2 coming very soon! Here's the video with the planner in full and more photos and info below. Hope you enjoy!
So here is the breakdown of how I have set up this book..
1. PlanAhead Journal
I found what works for me.. which is a very simple journal that I have organized to my own personal liking. This wasn't my first pick but I got tired of looking and settled on something familiar. There are so many different kinds of planners out there. In the video above I showed some of my previous journals and planners that I have used in the past and might just go back to one day.
2.Inside Flap
On the inside cover I added some cute little owl stickers that I just liked. In the middle I glued in an envelope that holds random little papers. On the bottom I have some of the very sticky post it notes and a handy little binder clip.
3. Monthly Section
I used smashbook tabs to divide up the months. And I put the tabs on the side. In this planner I have August - December. When using books like these, I like to do 6 months at a time .Sometimes I will add little memorabilia that does make the book get bigger. 6 months is perfect size and it gives me a chance to change things up more than once a year. In the month section the first 2 pages contain a bill organizer that I taped in using smash box tape and a monthly calendar that I added. Then there are full pages for each day of the week except Saturday and Sunday share a page. I keep this area color coded..
Important - Mostly used in daily pages
Appoitments and School Activities
Scott and Kisha
Set in stone Vlog/ Blog Post
I also map out future blog post in the monthly
calender using pencil so I can move it around
Then there are taps at the top.. also smashbook that divide up 5 more areas:
In this area ( see picture 9 ) I keep extra shopping lists and coupons I want to use soon. This is where those coupons live until I move them to the coupon organizer in my purse.
In this area I keep my cleaning lists with the different zones. This area also contains other private information about our house that I don't want to forget.
Important Information
This area contains my card list with names and addresses ( I am suprised at how handy and used this section of my book really is ) Online passwords, Passwords to my moms and sisters blogger and youtube accounts, just over all important information.
In part 2 I will show you more about my blog book but this is where ideas START. I always have tons of ideas flowing so I tabbed off sections to help. More about that in # 5
Again, this is where the ideas start. I have another book I use for youtube but quick one sentence ideas or thoughts go here. I really flush out each project more in the other books.
5. Blog Sub Categories
So in the blog area that I described above I have tabs for certain kinds of blog post:
Movies - In this section I keep a running list of movies I want to review or for TV Thursday on my Vlog Channel.
Beauty - I also keep a running list in this section of products I want to review or discuss.. Its crazy how quick this area fills up!
Cooking/Recipes - I normally don't write the entire recipe out in this part but I do list recipes with the corresponding book and page or magazine article.
Married Life - When I have a quick idea for a married life post, I write it down here just so I don't forget it. I don't have the best memory.. so this helps!
Sponsors -I have this section because I am leaving passionfruit and didn't want to loose sponsors information. I think its good to have this area just so I don't forget obligations I have made to other bloggy friends.
Blog Ideas This is a larger section where I can just brainstorm anything regarding the blog. Not only posts but layouts.. design ideas.. blog notes of sorts along with brainstorming random blog ideas.
Houseparty I have been working a lot with houseparty.com and I find having a section for it has been very helpful. There are so much information and notes that need to be kept that this section helps keep it all organized for me.
Youtube Tab I have it even more categorized into 2 sections:
*Glamorous Housewife Life
This area is for quick ideas of videos I want to put on my main youtube channel. Again, this is just fast notes that I really work on in another book.
*Glam Gossip
In this section I keep quick ideas and thoughts for my vlog channel.This includes random upcoming posts, maintenance issues with the site, just things I don't want to forget. And I work out the details in another book
6. Back of BookI have more dividers ( smashbook) that includes:
This is area is for new project ideas that I want to start to plan out. A good example is my nightstands. I want to redo them so they are listed but the details of the project will be figured out in my project management book. ( Which will be in part 2 coming up soon! )
2014 Plans
This area hasn't filled up much yet, but here I will keep dates, plans, and such for my new calender that will be starting in January 2014.
Scott & Jackson
This tab is for the boys. Things that I need to keep up with them such as school schedules, prescription pick up dates, etc.
Being I am still breeding Persian Cats, I keep this area for notes on the kittys and as well as the dog. I keep when I gave them meds, put the flea stuff on their necks, gave heartwork pill, etc. Just random notes on the Jaggers Family Pets.
This section is open for any kind of random notes that don't have a tab of its own. On the last page I keep a page for my heath and prescriptions.
7. Daily View
I have it set up color coded:
*Where the date is on the left in blue.
*Any important notes will be in red on the top left
*I like to keep my to do list in pencil on the right hand side. Things
change and I like to be able to erase and move tasks.
* On the left I keep my blog/vlog notes in orange or sometimes
* Family Notes are pink on the left side too.
* Appointments for Scott and I are in green at on the left too. If its an
early apt I will have it at the top of the left hand side of the page
and afternoon in the middle and evening/ night more towards the
of the page.
8. Post it's & Labels
I also use post it notes to give me extra room for notes and affix them with a sticky label that I also use at the bottom. I like to use the labels at the bottom of the page for important bullet points of things I don't want to miss or forget. They are pretty much color coded the same way.
* Family, Appointments, Important school dates & notes, etc
* Kisha, Scott, and I also list important household notes in green too in this area.
* Vlog/Blog/Film/Edit
There are days when there is numerous labels/bullet points in the same color because a lot is going on. These just ensure I stay on task and not forget anything important. They are extra sticky and can be moved page to page but they are so cheap to buy that I really never move them.
9. Pockets
For the shopping area, I just created little pockets using cute paper that hold my shopping list on the left side and my coupons on the right hand side. Works great to hold everything!
For the shopping area, I just created little pockets using cute paper that hold my shopping list on the left side and my coupons on the right hand side. Works great to hold everything!
10. Page Finder
I added this cute little luggage tag of husby and I to the ribbon that came with the book just to personalize it a bit more.... and it has our address on it in case I ever loose the book.
I added this cute little luggage tag of husby and I to the ribbon that came with the book just to personalize it a bit more.... and it has our address on it in case I ever loose the book.
11. Plastic Pocket
I taped in ( using smashbook tape ) a plastic pocket that holds random items that I don't want to loose. It works well and flaps back and forth.
I taped in ( using smashbook tape ) a plastic pocket that holds random items that I don't want to loose. It works well and flaps back and forth.
12. Zipper Pouch
I find it very important to have a little zipper pouch in whatever planner I am using to hold random items that I use a lot. Again, I just taped it in with smashbook tape.
Take some time to explore My housewife Life Youtube Channel. Check out all my recent videos in the first row and browse through all the different categories of videos (like Beauty, Cooking, Pets, Trips and much more!) located in the bottom rows. You can also subscribe to my Youtube Vlog Channel where I post daily vlogs of all sorts! Be sure to subscribe to both and be the first one to learn about newly released videos!
I find it very important to have a little zipper pouch in whatever planner I am using to hold random items that I use a lot. Again, I just taped it in with smashbook tape.
This planner works well for me. I use it daily. And I should note.. keeping up with keeping a planner update is ESSENTIAL to make it work for you. You have to set aside time weekly if not daily to plan and sort things out. I use this in conjunction with other books such as my project management book, my blog book and the calender on my phone. I will go more into the phone on part 2, along with the other books I use and the supplies I use. I am sure it will be long... but I want to show you in depth how the books work for me. I am hoping these post imspire you to get a planner set up and start letting it help organize your life. Calender organization is very important in my life and in my home. I live and die by the calender and don't think I could ever live without one. If you are interested in my last planner video you can check it out here.
Do you use a planner? What kind is your favorite? Did you get any tips from this video?? I want to hear from you!!
Stay tuned for part 2!
K Jaggers

Great planner, honey.