Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From This Side of the Pond ....this is always such a fun linkup.. join in anytime! Hope you enjoy.
1. What's something you're never too young or too old to enjoy?
Laughter! I hope I am never too old to laugh.
2. Share one happy memory from your high school years.
I didn't have many. I guess staying and getting my diploma was a happy memory!
3. A nationwide strike of fast food employees took place in the US last week...they're calling for higher wages and the right to unionize. Your thoughts?
I'm not sure what I think about this one. I feel making a lot for frying some burgers is a little nuts but I do know some people have those jobs to support their families. I don't think they really need to unionize. They just have to make some simple standards that doesn't rob the employer and still pays a fair wage for the job provided.
4. September is National Honey Month...what's a favorite dish you make or eat that calls for honey?
I made these honey yeast rolls a while back and they were so good. I found the recipe here and they were super yummy!
5. If you notice someone with a tag sticking out, a button unbuttoned, a shirt inside-out, or some leftover lunch between their teeth, do you say something or do you keep quiet?
It depends if I know them or not! I would for sure say something if I knew them otherwise I would probably keep silent.
6. What's a movie that always makes you cry? Or at least makes you feel like crying?
This is an oldie but a goodie..
7. Mary Had a Little Lamb was written in 1830, and published in Juvenile Miscellany in September of that same year. Now for the fun part...create your own four line rhyme using that same tune.
♫Today is my lazy day, My lazy day ♫
Lazy day, Lazy day,
No time for play, lets just say
♫ its my lazy day!♫
8. Insert your own random thought here.
I am having the hardest time finding motivation to do anything today. Husby is off work and laying around making it easy on me to do the same. Since the house is clean and laundry is done, I thought I would get some work online done. However, I am running behind doing that too. I am not sure where the day has went but we are moving into the evening fast! Gotta get some work done.
K Jaggers
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