Busy Doing Nothing { Glam Gossip Vlog September 17, 2013 }

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Good Morning....well, I don't know how good it is being I am about to head out for a long drive to go to my old Dr. and then a long drive home. It sucks that I have to go so far today but I don't have a choice if I want to get all of our " family " prescriptions. I just have to drop Scott's off but its across town. So its going to be a very long morning/afternoon for me. The only thing that I am looking forward to is taking a nap when I get home. Yesterday I stayed busy doing nothing.. but if you want to see how I spent some of my time yesterday, have a look at the video! 

Stay tuned for Wednesday Hodgepodge, Blogtember, and another video coming up later this afternoon! 


K Jaggers
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