Good Morning friends! I hope you are having a wonderful morning. Around here its quiet and raining! I'm serious.. it has rained so much here. I thought Florida was bad but it doesn't hold a candle to South Carolina! So here is yesterday's vlog.. as you can probably tell, I will be posting the night before each morning. I plan on vloging as much as possible but sometimes I am sure I will miss a day here and there.
Hope you enjoy!
I don't have any big plans today... Husby is off work so he is home and we are just spending the day together. However, he is not feeling that good and probably going to take a nap soon. He had some errands to run this morning... thankfully he went to Shelby NC and I didn't have to. God knows I am thankful for that! He was up super early and got everything done so I understand needing a nap! More posts and videos coming up soon!
K Jaggers

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