Wet Day..

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

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Hello everyone. I woke up today to big rain storms. The kids are still sleeping and I am enjoying some coffee and trying to wake up. I am still pretty upset over what has been going on over the past few days but I am just trying to focus on something/anything positive right now. And some refreshing rain might be a small thing but I am rather enjoying it. First off, thank you for all the emails that you have sent in showing your love and support. I know its hard to be supportive when not actually knowing what the issues are. I can't speak of them now or later.. but I totally appreciate all your kind words. I was really upset last night and thought I might just end this blog and move on. But my husband and kids really didn't want me doing that but its kinda hard to write about happy things right now. I know this is going to sound even more crazy being we just moved in here...I don't even know if I can keep living in this house. Seriously. Scott told me to start looking for another house if it bothers me that much. I don't know. I am going to find a therapist for everyone and then decide. Stalker boy is back at it too. Funny, he thinks I don't know. More of a reason to get into some kind of counseling. My nerves are shot. I need a vacation..a deserted island with a bar would ideal! Scott thinks we should go to the Y tonight and swim... maybe he's right. I think he is trying to get things to normal for us so we'll see. We are suppose to have heavy thunderstorms for the next couple of days so who knows if we will be able to swim...even though its indoors, they make us get out if its lightening. It might just be a day here at the house. it needs cleaned up anyway. 

I'll try get some other posts up today...as I said, its hard right now. I am just trying to put one foot in front of the other and blogging does feel somewhat normal for me. 

Hope you have a great day! 


K Jaggers
6 comments on "Wet Day.."
  1. Hi K!

    I hope the rain stops and your day gets better!

    Thanks for linking up the to Friend Connect Blog Hop today!

    Co-Host // Justynn
    Creative Life Antics

    1. I don't think the rain is ever going to stop around here! For the 4th of July it just rained and rained and rained! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Kisha......just do what you have to do! Self preservation is important ...one step at a time.....you'll know what is right for you......take care of you. Ps I was just starting to read your posts and am enjoying them. I would hate to see you stop doing something that your good at and enjoy yourself.....I hope all works out well and fast for you!,,,

    1. Thanks for your sweet comment. After thinking about it with a clear head, I am not deleting this blog. I do love it and I really don't want to end it. For a couple of days it was hard thinking about writing about my happy life when it was anything but. However, things have calmed down and getting better. I hope you had a great 4th of July!

  3. It sounds like Scott is being very supportive, which definitely helps, I'm sure! Even though I don't know what's going on, I think you're doing the right thing by not putting it out there for the whole world to know. There are some things that need to be kept private, even among us bloggers! We went through some things with the boys that were just so depressing (and embarrassing) that there was NO WAY I could get on my blog and pretend to be happy, so I didn't. And, when I was ready to write halfway happy thoughts, I came back. One thing I've noticed about bloggers: we're very supportive and will wait for things to get better! Hang in there!!! :)

    1. You are so right. Most of the time I don't have any problems sharing anything but this time.. its not leaving my lips. There is no point in talking about it when its over and everyone seems to be getting better. And you are so right about things the kids doing things are depressing and embarrassing. Believe me this time was one for the books. Thanks for your sweet comment! I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July!


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