Weekend Recap & Monday Thoughts..

Monday, July 8, 2013
* Monday's always suck. Either husby is returning to work and or I am waking up to an alarm in the school year. Either which way..Monday's are never fun. 

* Last night wasn't that much fun either. In fact, Scott and I both were so exhausted all day long. I kinda felt sorry for the kids who didn't want to lay around the house all day. 

* I am thinking its time to find a church. I get asked a lot about Kabbalah but I don't have Kabbalah Center close to us. So I think a church would be ideal. Scott and I really need to focus on getting God back into our lives. 

* Zane keeps getting sweeter and sweeter by the day. I have worked so hard to not be that awful step mom.. like the one I have.. yea, I said it. 

* I wish traveling where my full time job.. AGAIN..just sayin'! 

* We are heading back to the YMCA later today for more swimming. I love it but I really hate being so tired afterwards. Who knows.. maybe in the end it will be worth it! 

* I am thinking I don't like the lighter highlights in my hair anymore. Nope. I'm never going to be someone who looks good with light hair. I am just going to have to get over it. 

* The questions have been pouring in over the past week..almost time for another Ask the Housewife series. Its fun getting to know each other better isn't it!?

Hot, beautiful, beauty, body - inspiring picture on Favim.com
* Saturday I took off to run some errands and ended up back in our old town. I didn't get back home until late in the evening. Honestly, it felt good to be away from here. The kids are old enough to stay home a few hours on their own....and it was really a mini vacation for me! I loved it. 

* Jackson said " I like it here " referring to his dads yesterday. I said.. do you want to stay full time? His response.. NOT FOR THE ENTIRE SCHOOL YEAR MOM. Thank goodness.. because I am kinda lost without him as it is.. let alone moving to his dads full time. 

* There is still some tension around here from what happened last week.. but it is starting to get better. Thank you God. 

* Dutches Kate is due to have her baby this week. I am excited to see if its a boy or girl.. and what the heirs name will be! Do you have any guesses? 

* Last night I fixed this great dinner. ← We ate.. ate.. and ate! The kids loved it too and it was a great way to use up the rest of the shrimp before it went bad!

* Cutting off Romeos balls sure hasn't made that much of a difference.. He is still beating up the other cats in the house. I don't know what is going on inside his head but he sure starts a lot of trouble around here. Ohhh and get this.. I think he spread his seed on one of the cats before he got fixed. I am not saying much about it...because I don't want to jinx it. There have just been too many bad experiences lately breeding cats. Maybe I am wrong.. and this last litter will be ok, but I'm nervous. 

* Did I tell you guys my car is in the shop?? Yea.. not happy about it being gone but thankfully I have loaner until its done. I love driving my Jaguar. I really do but if you even give it a dirty look.. its going to cost ya. I do love the little Volkswagen I'm driving right now. 

* I have a lot of videos popping up... Brittany wants to do the mother daughter tag.. I'm thinking about it! 

* I had a tooth ache last night too. I can barley handle going to the dentist.. but it might be time to call...or maybe not! 

* This past weekend,  we were still doing fireworks.. and so was a lot of others around here. 

*I think we are finally out of them now. Until next year..

* After dinner last night, I made some brownie bites.. and they are sooooo yummy! The entire house loved them and.. they were super simple to make! Ok. so I used a box mix.. who cares! The kids loved them! And the icing was from a can but I think they came out nice! I don't mind taking help from the store sometimes!

* Then I found myself working on a couple of videos and then slipping into a warm bath. It was amazing to lay there and let the jets beat at my back. And then guess what? My weekened ended because I crawled in bed and started dreaming.

* I woke up today feeling pretty good. Its amazing what a good nights sleep can do for you. I didn't stop there.. again I prayed before I ever got out of the bed this morning.

 My to do list is piling up. ( sorry I blurred out a lot of my manic thinking! )

* I really do have a problem with writing and notes. I get so many request to see my planner.. and I do love the new way I am using this planner but I am going to wait to do a video until after I start the new planner in late August. And I also have a new blog planner I am getting together too! Come back and check them out. 

* I have to get my ass motivated to do a little online work, a little housework, and even clean myself up a little before heading out to the pool tonight. More coffee!! :)

I hope you guys have a wonderful week! 


K Jaggers

Sami's Shenanigans
3 comments on "Weekend Recap & Monday Thoughts.."
  1. You've been quite busy! In a good way though :)

    That sparkler picture is great! Thanks for linking up.

  2. Great post, have a fantastic week, choose to be happy and you will be!

  3. Cute blog! And those brownie bites look SO good! I've been thinking it's time to find a church too! I tried one but didn't love it so I guess we'll keep looking around. I love to hear that you're a step-mom because I'm almost a step-mom. It can be stressful at times!!


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