Thankful Thursday

Thursday, July 11, 2013
I wish I could sit here and tell you that I am so thankful for all the great things going on but that would be such a lie. Life has been very difficult around here for a little while now. I think it pretty much all started with the big move and has just continued since. With everything going on, I am so thankful my core family and friends have been been there for me in these trying times. I try to wake up with a new fresh attitude every morning. It normally doesn't last but I start out pretty good most days. I even pray before my feet ever hit the floor in the morning. But its hard to be grateful on hard days. I am really thankful to God for keeping me together when so many things were falling apart. A week ago I wondered if my marriage was going to survive, the kids were eating me alive with all their crap...its been a tangled web around here for sure. But again, my wonderful support system came and put this " invisible shield " around me that kept me safe. I couldn't be more thankful for a wonderful mom, great family and friends who are always there for me. I would be so lost without them. Its a blessing to have people in your life who let you cry on their shoulder, who listen for hours, and who help in every kind of way.  I just couldn't be more grateful to each and 
Meine Phantasieeveryone of them. I am also grateful for you guys..who have took time to send in emails and leave sweet and loving comments. On some of the worst days, your sweet words were the only thing that lifted my spirits. I know there are lessons in everything..maybe later I will figure those out but right now its all about making it to the next day. My - goal - right now is to make it to fall. I don't want to relive this summer in anyway! I want a new season and a fresh start. Right now I search for the smallest things to be grateful for. I watched a bird take a bath on my back deck in a rain storm and it was precious. I just sat there and watched it hop around and enjoy his late evening bath! I was very thankful for those few minutes of relaxation watching that little bird. Another thing I was thankful for this past week was the smell of the freshly washed sheets and blankets on my bed. I have up trying to get the kids to sleep before I fall asleep. They win. My daughter is up all hours of the night.. and so is Zane. I can't beat them. They stay up with no tv and no phones.. just laying there.. well not me. I cuddled up in my very clean bed and was thankful for every moment I was in it.
Again, its finding the good even in the simplest of things helps change your focus. Its hard for me to think positive.. by nature but I am really trying. When you focus only on the bad, you leave no room for anything positive to come in. So I do have the hope for better days ahead. I hate to say it.. again.. but I am ready to be finished with summer. I want to start fresh in the fall and get things more normal around our home. My daughter seems to be at the forefront of many of the problems around here. Why are girls so hard?? But I have hope that she will get her shit together and start acting right. New days bring new possibilities .. and for that alone I am thankful.

Happy Thursday!

K Jaggers
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