Hope you enjoy!

* Scott and I had some alone time last night which was nice. For a second things felt normal again.
* I have been working hard on getting more videos up and doing pretty good with it. Have you checked out my youtube channel?
* Elizabeth Hasselbeck is off the View. She was too much of a right winger anyway.. Fox News is a better fit. I don't think I will really miss her much.

* I finally caught the toilet paper bandit. In a house with 5 cats, I had no idea which one was doing it. Well.. we found out! Check out the video for yourself → Caught in the Act ←
* Wine has seemed to make a huge difference this week!
* I got the new Tidy Cats giveaway up!! If you are a cat lover/owner...check it out and get entered!!!!

* My car got a tune up this past week and is running really good. Thank you baby for taking it in and having it worked on.
* I have found complete relaxation this week in my big bath tub. The jets feel amazing. One night I think I stayed in there almost 2 hours reading.
* Is it just me, but is anyone else excited about Kate and William having their baby this week!? It was actually due yesterday...I can't wait to find out if its a girl or boy and what the name is!
* I watched some great movies this past week.. stay tuned because reviews are coming! Its been a while since I have done a movie review hasn't it!?
* Its been a hard summer over all. I am not shy to say that I am sick of summer and ready for fall. We have faced all kinds of personal challenges from making a big move to a new area, kid drama, and honestly, a few marriage problems. I have been with my husband for almost 10 years now.. and its a struggle sometimes. All of that shit has been crappy!
* My C drive on my laptop was FULL. So guess what that meant?? A lot of deleting. It took a full night to delete all the pictures and vidoes I had on here. Another reason I love blogging...it saves all my most cherished pictures!
* I wish the new seasons of Downton Abbey and The Americans would come back on...I actually miss watching them!
* Last night we lost internet for about 4 hours.. only to get it back on for 20 minutes ( Ha! Long enough for me to publish this blog post! ) and then it was still off at 1pm today. It totally sucked. Thankfully they got it fixed and so far so good.
* Seems the kids lie all the time. Its exhausting. I would actually like buy a lie detector just to have around the house.
* I miss miss miss Jackson so much. I hate that he is gone visiting his dad. I know he is having a good time but I really want him back home.
* Brittany woke us all up yesterday morning...which in return, made us all very grumpy. Thanks Brittany Belle.
* I found 2 or 3 bugs in the cats water this morning. It was gross and wasn't pleasant to clean up first thing in the morning.
Looking forward to better days ahead!
K Jaggers
Kate is due??? ALREADY?? It doesn't seem like it's been 9 months (or I guess it's been a little shorter than that since they announced it) already!
ReplyDeleteYep she is! I can't wait to find out the sex and name! Come on already!
DeleteAhaha. Love the TP bandit! I hope your crappies clear up soon.
ReplyDeleteHe is cute but messy! Thanks for the sweet comment! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
DeleteThanks for being real and admitting when you have marriage difficulties. I mentioned the same this week. Marriage isn't easy some days! Thanks for linking up girlie!
ReplyDeleteWell I always say I have a real marraige.. Really good at times.. Really bad at times.. it just real with all the ups and downs of any marriage. I hope that things get easier for both of us with our husbys! I am just trying to ride the storm out hoping for a sunny day! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!