Day @ Home...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Afternoon friends! I am home today.. all day and the jobs just keep piling up. I have a to do list from hell, not to mention a ton of unexpected things keep popping up. I try to go the the pool Monday, Wednesday, Friday and  some Sundays. Then on the other days,  I try to focus around the house, do shopping & run errands and also do some online work. Today I figured I would get some cleaning done ( The first floor bathroom is a mess.. thanks kitty cats. ) and I am also hoping to get some videos done. I plan on doing some recording in the kitchen. I am going to be sharing a bread recipe that I make in my Kitchen Aide. I know a lot of you guys have one of those big beautiful mixers sitting on your counter.. possibly all dusty. I am hoping you will clean it up and try the delicious bread recipe! And if you don't have one, you can still make the bread but it will take a little more work. I am also going to be making a chicken and noodle casserole that is super yummy! And who doesn't love a quick and easy casserole!?  And to top it off, I am editing

a new #Summerfit Video that will be live pretty soon! I am in no way athletic or like working out. I do like to swim and that's the focus of this entire #SummerFit. I am still eating what I want.. just smaller sizes. I will always be a pasta girl. I am not really trying to loose weight. I am just wanting my body to feel a little bit better....physically. And I am starting to have fun at the Y! :) I can't wait to go with Jackson.Soon its going to change and be back to just us. Brittany and Zane will go back and Jackson comes home. Honestly, I love all the kids but I want summer over. This is probably the worst summer I have had in over 12 years. Hands down this summer takes the cake. I am ready to pick pumpkins and start with a fresh season. Hellooooooo October! 

I am also listening to this George Zimmerman Case. I am sure many of you are, being its the only thing on CNN or HLN and FOX news. I have to say it seems to me that the Defense team is taking over and tearing this case apart. You know, that was a kid that didn't deserve to die. Maybe he was fighting and it really was self defense. What a sad tragedy for all involved. Its totally heart breaking. I bet he is found not guilty. 

Well, I have to get back to things! I'll have that new #Summerfit Video up soon! Ohhh... and last night we caught the - LATE NIGHT TOILET PAPER BANDIT - 

You can see for yourself right here


K Jaggers
1 comment on "Day @ Home..."
  1. Well life has you busy and sometimes that is a good thing! The cutest toilet roll bandit ever seen!...;) take care and enjoy!...looking forward to more.


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