Once I gave the teams :
Brittany & Carly
Zane & Jackson
their bags and lists they got together and came up with plans on where to find all the items. Some of the stuff they had to take pictures of with their phones.. and I liked the idea they had their phones with GPS with them while they are running around the woods searching for things.
Then they were off...
The boys headed off in one direction and the girls were the other!
For almost 4 hours mom and I had such a peaceful afternoon!
Then cooper showed up...muddy and wet!
The girls were the first ones back!
And Guess What!?
Their mushroom was pretty cool too!
AND THEY GOT A 4 LEAF CLOVER! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Here is their worm in their water bottle!! Too smart!
And here are the pictures!
The boys get back and had LOST THEIR BAG! So I sent the girls out to help.. It was all tore up and they didn't have too many items..
I didn't get all the pictures that I wanted because they were really upset and I got distracted but they did find about 1/2 of the items..
And got some pictures!
They both still had their lists.. Brittany and Carly didn't check everything off.. but they got it all!
And they got the $10 each!!! Check out Carly's face!! OMG! They were both so happy! It was hard keeping them from rubbing it in on the boys but everyone was pretty good sports! I thought for sure the boys were going to win it but mom said..." Never underestimate Girl Power! (: "
This is such a great summer activity for all kids of all ages! I would love to do it myself and I am 37! Each year it gets a little harder.. this time they not only had to find stuff but also take pictures of items too....which was a cool twist! I plan on having another one once we get moved and I get a good look at the property! The kids love it.. and I love it too!
When was the last time you had a Scavenger Hunt!?
K Jaggers
That is such a fun idea!! I bet they had so much fun!