A Look Inside the Target Beauty Box! { Video }

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I actually got this early last week but with the move...I just didn't have a chance to get a video or post done! 

Here's the video and pictures are below! 

It came with Gillette Venus & Olay Rasor in the new Sugarberry Scent! 

It also came with these

Sally Hansen Salon Effect in #470 Lust-rous.. Its a black strip with lots of pretty gold and silver sparkles.. Soooo pretty! 

The box also included 

This BB Cream...which I already have but the sample was nice! 

They also sent this Daily Acne Treatment Lotion...

which they do sell at Target. Use to, you could only get it through the dermatologist. 

And last but not least a sample of..

This glossing cream by Fekkai which is nice because I have used it before! 

I am pretty happy with the samples however, I wish they would have included another makeup bag! That last pink one was so cute! 

Have you got your boxes yet!? 

What do you think of the samples??


K Jaggers

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