
Saturday, May 4, 2013

I got this wonderful picture of Romeo today.. isn't he beautiful!? I am simply a very crazy cat woman because every time I look or cuddle with that cat, I just fall in love all over again! He really is a big teddy bear. All the kids have packed him around and he has been the favorite around here for a while! I think we will have a few more litters by the end of summer!! Yea! 

So it was a quiet kind of night around here. A little earlier in the day my husband managed to upset me but it didn't last long and we had a lazy night of laying on the couch together. We both kept dozing on and off but the tv would startle us both awake....that went on for a while but I finally got up and even quickly cleaned the kitchen and then enjoyed a long hot bath. We don't really have any plans tomorrow except doing a little house hunting. But we might stay home and just do it online if we are too lazy. We are suppose to get more rain for the next  3 days so we might very well stay home. I am sure Jackson will go stir crazy if we don't get out sometime so who knows what we will do.

 I am sure as hell happy that the Jodi Arias trial finished up today. The jury deliberated for 55 minutes before they were sent home for the weekend. You know they are all watching the news and listening to the media. I am thinking she is going away for life. I wonder what her reaction would be. I would scream and faint if someone told me that the rest of my life was going to be in prison. But who knows what they will decide. I watched it all day long.. and husby was starting to complain about it being on tv all day. Hopefully now I can get a little more done around the house and not be glued to the tv so much. I didn't cook tonight... instead we did leftovers and stayed home.

Well its late...I need to shut this computer and start dreaming. I am betting the boys will have me up earlier tomorrow and I don't want to be grumpy.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! 


K Jaggers

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