Sleepy Morning..

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

LargeRise and Shine.....I seriously hate mornings. I rarely wake up happy ready to go opposed to my husband who normally wakes up with a smile and productive. Dragging myself out of the bed this morning was pure torture. I thought the house was actually cold which made it even harder. Thankfully the coffee was hot and Jackson got enough sleep and was in a much better mood this morning. Now I am sitting here pondering everything I have to do today. It seems like it's going to be errand day for me. I have to run out to the Dr. Office, Pharmacy, and Walmart. But I am going to get it all done today so I can stay home on Wednesday. However, I don't think  I am going to do anything till after 1. I'm not in that big of a hurry today. In the meantime I am going to work on emails and try to get all the kitten papers and stuff printed out and ready. The kittens are fun but there is a business side of it that I try to do well. At first I wasn't so good at it but now I am getting the hang of things a little more! Right now they are all running around here playing...They are so freaking cute! 

I am even thinking about going back to bed for a while. It will sure make me feel better if I get a few more hours of sleep. I heard Scott up this morning and I think he could have probably used more sleep today too. He was going to take off tomorrow but I think it got pushed back until Friday. Something came up and they had to switch around his off days. I don't really mind as long as he does get his day off.  This week we are taking to go look at houses. I had a long talk with him last night about how lazy we have been in looking for a new house....hopefully we will get our act together and find our new home fast! I really should be packing things up around here but I haven't done anything yet. I figure it might be best to find the new house before packing things up but there is plenty that I could go on and pack ahead of time.

First though.. time for a coffee refill. * Yawn *

I hope you have a wonderful day!

K Jaggers
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