Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From this Side of the Pond! Hope you enjoy! (:

1. When the children of today grow up, what do you think they'll say about this period in time?  What do you most hope they remember?
I think they will say that social media has changed everything. I hope they remember that life is not always just sitting in front of a computer screen. There are so many great opportunities that have came along because of social media but there is still so much life and beauty all around us.  I hope they always remember to get out and actually experience this world instead of just typing/reading about it. 

2. National Teacher's Day is celebrated in the US of A on the first Tuesday in May, this year May 7th...share how a particular teacher positively influenced you

My 2nd grade teacher, Jan Habermel was very influential in my life from 2nd - 6th grade. She became the principle of my school when I was in 3rd grade. Throughout my years at that school she really believed in me.  She was always listening to me and actually became a family friend. She was a wonderful teacher and I have such fond memories of her.

What's a dish your mama made, that if set in front of you today would whisk you right back to childhood?

For years my grandmother would make chili and while I loved the taste, I hated the beans. So after never eating the chili or sitting there for an hour first trying to pick out bean by bean, she finally figured out how to make it without the beans for me. Everytime chili was being served at dinner there were always 2 pots. One regular pot for the family and then my pot without any beans. Once she started making it that way.... I fell in love! Anytime I make or eat chili now, I have flashbacks to those long evenings hunting for all the beans in my bowl! 

Mother May I was a game we played when I was growing pieces, parts, or plugs required.  What games from childhood do you remember loving that were also pieces, parts, and plug free?

Hide and Seek... no parts, no pieces, and no plugs! 

Besides your own mother, tell us about a woman who influenced you as a child.

I lived with my fathers parents since I was very young. My mom and dad were still around but somehow I ended up at my dads parents and ended up staying there. So my grandmother was a big influence in my life. But honestly, my grandfather had more of an influence than she did. 

Mamma Mia!  What's the best play or musical you've ever seen?

I think the best musical I have ever saw was: 

The King and I. I loved it and I don't think I have ever seen a play that has topped it!

What are three smells that make you feel nostalgic?

1. The smell of food always being cooked in the kicthen. 
2. Honeysuckle which grew by my house. 
3. My grandfather's pipe is a smell I will never forget. 

Insert your own random thought here.


I am blogging from bed right now because I am still very sleepy. I know this sounds a little bad but I took my sleep meds last night.. and honest, I couldn't remember if I just got the bottle of Ambien out of my night stand or if I actually took them.  So I took a couple more and now I KNOW that I did take the pills the first time because I am so damn tired today. Perfect huh!? I should have paid better attention. So I think I am going to shut this laptop and start dreaming for a couple hours before I have to get up and run errands. * Yawn *


K Jaggers
4 comments on "Wednesday Hodgepodge! "
  1. I love that you found your yearbook to include with your answer. Sounds like a very special teacher and person:)

  2. love me some chili...wish I could have seen King and I on broadway....

  3. I saw many big marts celebrating teachers day and offer coupons like best buy online discount

  4. Honeysuckle is another one for me too. It grew along the fence of our neighborhood swim club and the smell always takes me back to summers spent there. Loved your answer to #1!


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