Happy/Crappies & Pieces of Happy

Friday, May 17, 2013

So today I am doing 2 linkups in 1! First off I am joining up for the first time with Kenzie from over at Chasing Happy! I think she is new to blogging so be sure to hop over to her blog and show her some love! And as normal I am linking back up with Stephanie over at The Vintage Modern Wife for this weeks Happies & Crappies. 

Hope you enjoy!


I had the most amazing hamburger today.. I love the steak burger at Newts. OMG.. it was soooooooo good!

The rain has finally stopped and its getting hot! Yea!!

Scott took Jackson to school today and I loved it because the alarm was off.  I was even up at a reasonable time. (:

We figured out the dates on Summer. Its not easy getting all the kids here but mom and Brittany are flying out of Indiana on the 30th. Scott and I will leave the next night for Louisiana to get Zane. Mom is going to stay here and watch the kids, animals and house. Then we will be back Sunday night sometime. Thank you mom!

Scott and I did some shopping today.. which was a lot of fun! And we both needed some spring clothes.

And we stopped at a yard sale on the way home and I got this dish for the kitchen that I like a lot too.

This week we found a loving home for one of the kittens. It makes me feel so good to put a smile on other peoples faces when I put a kitten in their arms.

We finally got Jackson's glasses fixed today. Its funny how fast they can get them back together when we tried for hours on end. But thank you helpful guy!

I got some interesting things at CVS this week.. plus I got some new items tonight.. haul coming up!


Spring nights make me happy happy! Soon the kids will be running barefoot through the yard catching fireflies.

Just the other day, I had the windows open and a honeysuckle scent blew through the house. Just one of the moments I love of spring.


The dam hot water heater keeps going out. Pretty much after each shower we have to go lit it. Or if we do a lot of laundry and or run the dishwasher.. it goes out. I have no idea why. I don't even care.. I just want to move.

Speaking of moving, we haven't found a house yet which is kinda depressing. I think I am going to get boxes and start packing anyway.

Jackson got suspended from school this week.. He was kicked by another classmate and kicked back.. so they both got kicked out of school. WOW...I seriously think they go overboard a little bit. Two 10 years olds kicking each other is really not that big of a deal. They need to lighten up.

My redbox bill this past week was crazy high. That's what I get for being a lazy ass and not returning them.

Brittany got in a huge fight with her dad last night. I hate being in the middle of the those two. I always get the screaming and crying phone calls.....he was yelling, she was yelling and it was a disaster. Thankfully today they both have calmed down.

As I type this, the house literally vibrating from how loud the boys have the tv upstairs. I have mentioned how much I hate loud noises? Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr....

I hit my head on the car door somehow tonight and it hurts like hell.

 I seriously need to stop putting off getting into a yoga routine. I think it might just make my body feel much better.

My relationship with my dad still SUCKS. I don't ever think its going to change. Thankfully my mom makes up for him. If I didn't have her, I would be lost!

That's about it! Hope you had a great Friday!


K Jaggers
4 comments on "Happy/Crappies & Pieces of Happy "
  1. Glad you found a good home for the kitten! That can be so stressful...

    1. Yes it can! We strive in finding the purrfect homes for our babies!

  2. Thanks for joining the linkup this week, lady!


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