Scott was off work today...and being it was so pretty out, we decided to do some shopping. We took a little of the kitty money and went clothes shopping.
We went to the mall and found all kinds of great sale items..I didn't get Jackson much because he likes to pick out his own things so I will take him back later. I might do a clothes haul but I want to wash everything first. I don't even like trying items on.. Right now most of the new stuff I got is in the washer.
Here's how we spent part of our day! More pictures and info below!
After the mall we then headed to Walmart.. household shopping. Scott got Jackson's glasses fixed while I zipped around the isles trying to shop fast. Scott wanted to head home so I had to hurry.
He's a big help! Not!! (: He's catching up on his celebrity gossip!
Our last stop was at this small fresh produce stand.
Now I have all this to put away... YIKES!
Hope you guys have a great weekend! I plan on doing 2 - 3 more videos this week...stay tuned!
K Jaggers

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