
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
I am so tired tonight. I stayed really busy all day long. Scott is working so late anymore. He got home about 9pm and we had a very quick dinner. I had the kitchen mostly picked up and by 9:30 the entire house was dark and shut down. Scott is in the spare bedroom tonight because he's also really tired and I know he will be snoring in just a few minutes! I hate eating so late..but when school starts back up.. we are just going to have to eat without him or I will just have to go ahead and feed Jackson. He can't be eating dinner at 9pm on a school night. I am recording a food diary again and in a few weeks I will have it up! Its fun sharing meals and hopefully you guys are getting some great menu ideas! I think its easier to just video what I made for dinner. Posts can take so long to write up whereas a video is pretty fast and editing doesn't take that long either. You guys know how much I love youtube! I haven't been doing a lot of videos this week because Jackson is home on Spring Break and its not so easy to film.. but stay tuned, more videos are coming! 

So today I worked in the kitchen more than anything. I reorganized the pantry and some of the cabinets. I still have more to do tomorrow but it won't take as long as it did today. I just have a couple of other cabinets to organize and then I am done! It feels good to get things organized. I also have to run to the store tomorrow to pick up some much needed groceries. After cleaning out the pantry Jackson thinks we need to restock on a few of his favorite items! I knew they would flip out when they saw how much stuff I got rid of today. Most of the stuff I tossed out was almost empty anyway.. but it does look different! I do have a video coming up but here's a preview.. 

Looks pretty good huh!? As I said.. it feels good to have everything put up right! I will show you a lot more in the video. Husby sure liked how it looked! 

Speaking of husby.. he brought home this big bunch of flowers for me last night. 

He is sweet when it comes to flowers...well to many things but he knows I love fresh flowers. I am not one of those girls who say..." Don't get me flowers because they will just die. " Nope.. he can bring home flowers whenever he likes! He called Jackson and had him carry them in, which is also sweet. Thank you baby! To be very honest with all the hours hes working and driving.. he comes home grumpy a lot of nights. And by time he does get home.. I am winding down and kinda tired and grumpy too. We both are making a bigger effort to smile even though we are tired and make the most out of the time we do have together. It was hard for me tonight. I was totally in a shit mood and just wanted to get up here and get in bed. But I did my best to not complain and smile even though I was pretty grumpy.. I think I fooled everyone! (: 

Well I am totally exhausted.. and ready for sleep. 

Sweet Dreams

K Jaggers
1 comment on "Tired"
  1. I love how organized your pantry is! Anything having to do with organizing and I'm frothing at the mouth.

    Beautiful flowers from the hubby! He's a keeper!

    Wishing you a restful sleep and a lovely day!


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