Mornings /:

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Morning! I am barely awake right now.. and I am seriously considering maybe going back to bed for a couple of hours. That damn alarm clock of mine scared me to death this morning. Jackson was up on the second floor brushing his teeth when it went off.. First it was that that damn rooster that lives in my phone, waking me up.. then a few seconds later....Jackson was wasn't long before all the kittens were woke up from the alarm.. And the meowing cry started. Now there are a bunch of kitties running around my bedroom playing.. because of course, they actually got a little more sleep than I did last night!

I do have the thought to just stay up... and I am enjoyed a very strong espresso right now.. 


Its actually a bit stronger than what I normally like.. but maybe it will help wake me up! 

Today's plan is get the 2nd floor cleaned up.. and I also need to work on a grocery list. I am also going to be doing some baking later today too! I can't wait to share what I am making! 

Anyway, I hope you have a great morning! I will be back soon! 

Have a wonderful Tuesday! 


K Jaggers
1 comment on "Mornings /:"
  1. Alarm clocks are the bane of my existence. Now that I'm retired, I rarely set one. Not point waking up with a heart attack, as you so delightfully noted. (I hope nothing else alarming happens to you today.)

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting


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