Waking up..

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Morning Friends. Boy, I slept good last night. I don't know what is up with me but here lately I have been falling to sleep pretty early. Scott got up and took Jackson to school ( Thank you baby! ) and now we are sitting here trying to figure out what the day holds. We have to help Brandon get the car packed up and make sure everything is ready and safe before heads home. At least here its a clear day.. no rain or nothing so it should make his drive a little easier. We will be checking on him every step of the way. This is his first big trip and we will all worry but I think he will be just fine.

* Yawn * Why is it that even when I get a good nights sleep, I still wake up a little tired. I don't understand it. But I am up for the rest of the day. Again, I don't know what the day holds for Scott and I but hopefully we will just take it easy and enjoy the day together.

I do have some blog work to do today. I WILL get around to answering comments today and I also plan on getting a media page set up. I am getting ton of business emails about promotions and ads.. so I need to get that media page done asap! I have been needing it done for a long while but so many things have came up that have just took my time. So going to be working on that too today! Actually I might get a coffee refill and then get started on it.. Plus I have a TON of emails to sort through too. Yuck!!!

So what are you doing today????

Hope you have a wonderful day!

K Jaggers
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