Sunday Social!

Sunday, March 31, 2013
Sunday Social

Happy Sunday Friends. I hope you all are having a wonderful Easter! 

1. Favorite kind of work- out to do. 

Well.. My favorite is none at all! However, walking is ok..and I also think some yoga would have to be my favorites if I am going to work out! 

2. Favorite guilty pleasure candy or sweet?

I love sweetarts! Lately I have been loving the chewy ones. I love the regular ones too! 

3. What's one thing you continuously forget to do?

Just one thing!? Shit I have bad memory issues and I forget all kinds of stuff.. One of the top things that I forget to do is send out holiday cards before the holiday actually gets here. I always feel bad about it too. 

4. Post its or phone reminders?

Considering I....


broke my phone yesterday and now its not working at all.. I would have to go with post its. But honestly if its something important ( and I have a phone ) I will set the alarm for certain important things I don't want to forget about it. I should use an app or something but normally I just use my alarm clock and it works out great! But I am still a pen and paper girl so post its work great for the house calenders and such. So BOTH! 

5. Favorite picture on your phone that always makes you smile?

Again the phone is broke but recently I took this picture 

for instagram and that precious little face works great to make me smile! But the kittens are growing up so fast that their looks are changing day by day! 



K Jaggers

3 comments on "Sunday Social! "
  1. Ohhh I need those sweet tarts in my life!!!

    New follower via GFC from the hop :)

    Ange from Hairspray and High Heels

  2. Oh, I love sweet tarts! And I am a walker, too... Stopped by for A to Z, but it was fun to have a post where I got to meet you a bit!


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