Sunday Inspiration..

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I hope you are enjoying this Sunday Morning. I am not sure why I woke up...but everyone else - including husby - is still sound asleep. Thankfully I made the coffee last night and just had to hit a button this morning. Now I am just enjoying the morning waking up easy... AND I bet I will be dozing back off within the hour! 

I don't have many plans today. Scott and I are planning on doing some shopping.. and I might make a food haul video.. maybe.. but that's about it. It will only take a couple of hours at the most and then we will be back home. We were both joking last night about tomorrow being our date for this week! And its odd because grocery shopping together can totally turn into a date. Or he could wake up in a little while feeling awful and stay home. But I bet he goes. We won't be doing anything until this afternoon when it warms up some. 

I hope you have a wonderful day. I will be taking pictures along the way today and will be doing a weekend in review post later tonight or tomorrow. 


K Jaggers
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