Happies (:
** Got to sleep in today!! I love not waking up to an alarm clock! **
** Thankful for the Fireplace today. **
** Jackson made it through the week of school with no problems... thank you God **
** I think I have finally found a U.S. Drugstore BB cream that I really like! **
** Got 2 new products in for review! Excited!! **
** Brittany finally picked out her Valentine **

** It was her choice what she spent the money on...now she is the proud owner of this big bear! **
** Heath insurance kicked back in the week. It was terrible living without it. Paying full price for prescriptions has been killing us. THANKFUL. **
** Probably won't be cooking tonight. YAY! **
** Scott is having a great week at work. He loves being busy! **
** Gabby is getting huge!

** Persian Kittens soon!!! **
Crappies ):
** The Weather SUCKS today **
** This sale has sucked up a lot of my husbands time.. We miss him **
** Redbox screwed up my account and it pisses me off. **
** Phone is all screwed up too.. Apps are missing and its totally confusing me. **
** Zanes mom has switched things around even more. Now it might be the weekend after this one. I am totally exhausted from this crazy woman. **
** No more Downton Abbey for a long while.. which I HATE!! **
** House suffering because of the Jodi Arias trial. I have got to find a way to watch and work! **
** Behind on blog posts and videos.. really want to get caught up! **
I hope you are having a great Friday! I am heading to CVS to pick up a few things and then I am picking up dinner. I still have a lot I want to do tonight so I better get to it!
K Jaggers
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