Febraury Photo Challenge - Catching up -

Saturday, February 16, 2013
I have been running so behind lately. I am happy to be catching up on these photos!


Day 11 Entrance 

I ran out to the store and had these 2 waiting on me when I got home! 

Day 12 Where I ate Lunch 

I skipped lunch and went for one of these little coffee drinks instead.. and I drank it on the go! 

Day 13 Walking

The only one doing any kind of walking around here is Cooper... on the treadmill! =)
Day 14  Love is..

Well there is not one photo for this so it has to be two. 

Scott... Jackson and 

Brittany. They are my everything and I am so thankful to have them all in my life. I love you guys. 

Day 15 Inside my Frig 

Its only clean because I am planning a big trip to the store tomorrow. It looked terrible a few days ago! 

Day 16 Perfect 

Being able to sleep in when its cold outside...was perfect! 

K Jaggers
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