Rest and Relaxation..

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Well it might be 1am but I have been in bed for a while. I am going to try to get my ass to sleep in the next 30 minutes or so.. wish me luck! I was laying in the bed with Scott but he started snoring like a bear so if I have any hope of going to sleep in a few minutes, I had to move to the spare bedroom.

So today.. as many of you already know.. I woke up 5 minutes before the bell rang at my sons school. Thankfully, Jackson was dressed and ready to go. I jumped out of the bed so fast.. and we were off. I was in shock and I don't think I really breathed until he was walking in the school!

So I came back home and dozed back off for a while. I only got 2.5 hours of sleep and needed a little more. Well that's all I got. I slept for about 2 hours and got up..watched the news with a very yummy mocha latte and then I worked on my grocery list.. printed coupons and

out I went. I did all the shopping..and even though I was tired and grumpy.. I was actually enjoying being at the market today. I was trying to hurry because I wanted to get home.. make a video.. clean.. and be there when Jackson got home so I couldn't shop forever. 

I did make the video..

If you like food hauls you can check mine out right here!!

When I came home all the kitty cats were loving the 

paper bags. Yes.. I have the reuseable bags but not as many as I needed so I still like the paper ones. And I sometimes use them in the small trash cans around the house.. so we get use out of them, even thought they are not so environmental friendly.

Since I was so tired tonight.. I made

I think I always want pasta when I am tired.. why is that? Maybe its just comforting. IDK. After dinner tonight, my patience wore pretty thin with Jackson and his homework. He was suppose to write his spelling words in alphabetical order and his writing was so sloppy. So he had to redo it 7x. I just kept wadding up the paper and telling him to start over. The tears came.. but once he realized that he would be at that table all night if he had to.. he got busy doing it right. 

Once that drama was over.. the night went pretty easy. Scott came home and we hung out for a while and then he escaped to the shower and bed.. and I followed shortly there after. But again my husband snores like a bear! 

Tonight I was walking into the spare bedroom and saw this..

I had to add a caption! I shaved Romeo last night and he was checking himself out in the mirror with Willow peaking around at him! I know Romeo looks a little weird but I know he feels better and it won't take any time at all for him to grow back out! Last night he was so happy after his haircut that he was running around the house at warp speed. It was so freaking cute.. I guess he felt free!

Anyway.. I am off to bed. I need I don't have another crazy morning. Brandon will be home with me tomorrow and I think I am going to try to move the spare bedroom around and I might get his help to do that. I want a better place to film so I am working on it! It will be a while before I am totally finished but at least I am getting started!

Hope you have a beautiful Tuesday!


K Jaggers
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