National Handwriting Day - Pen to Paper Link up!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Did you know that today is NATIONAL HANDWRITING DAY!? Well in the spirit of John Hancock I am linking up with 


And sharing a handwritten blog post! Since most of my posts are super long.. I decided to hand write this mornings post... 


And in the spirit of handwriting.. I am including this handwritten message my husband left for me Tuesday Morning!

Here's husbys handwritten letter that he left for me yesterday morning! 

So Sweet! If you want to join in on the fun.. hand write your blog post and link it up right here! Ohhh and here are those gloves I was telling you about! 

and here is the form to get entered to win ...

Actual Blog Post Owl Necklace Giveaway

Happy Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
3 comments on "National Handwriting Day - Pen to Paper Link up! "
  1. Seriously the SWEETEST lover's note on your whiteboard EVER. Thanks for sharing your day and linking up with us for national handwriting day.

    Nicole @ Three 31

  2. Um... that note from your hubby is awesome. Love it.
    And I loved your crazy, doodled-on, colorful handwritten post!! You and I are two peas in a pod!

    Coming to you from the linkup! I'm #4.

  3. @ Nicole.. Thanks so much.. I think I got the right man this time.. He's always leaving me sweet morning notes! ♥

    @ Brooke.. I am a doodler..I think I doodle on just about everything! That was an awesome morning note..wasn't it!? Gotta love that man!


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