My * FUN * New Journal - Video -

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Hellooo! My sister got Jackson one of these journals for Christmas.. After one good look.. I knew I was going to have to get one too! 

Check out how cool it is!

So have you seen these? I found mine on Amazon.. and you can them there too! If you have done this book.. take some pictures and share them with me!! Email me the pictures or do a blog post and leave the link in the comments! I would love to hear from any of you who have done this journal! 

I just thought this was a really fun journal to add to my big collection! 


K Jaggers
12 comments on "My * FUN * New Journal - Video - "
  1. Ahaa amazing ;) I really want this journal for myself .
    Noor @ Noor's Place

  2. This looks really fun! I would struggle with pulling the pages out because then there would just be a blank spot there where the page was, and the instructions wouldn't be there anymore.

    I'm looking forward to seeing your updates. :-)

  3. Haha made me laugh! I love it! :D

  4. No, I have never attempted this but it looks like fun. I do know someone who would absolutely live this!!

  5. What a cool journal! I would love for you to share this at Inspire Me Monday at

    Create With Joy

    Visiting from Thirsty For Comments :-)

  6. That does look like a lot of fun! I'm keyboard addicted though, so do my journaling there. :-)

  7. My daughters would love this! I am heading over to Amazon to pick up a couple now! Thanks for sharing!

  8. I did this in an exchange with someone through I had to mail mine off to South Africa. One of my instructions was to back over it several times with your vehicle. :p

    Following from Thirsty for Comments Thursdays at Acting Balanced.

  9. @ Noor.. its pretty cool huh!?

    @ Beautybabbling.. I am just getting started with it.. and I will do an update maybe once a month!

    @ Love Sparkle Pretty.. I love it too.. and somehow it does make you laugh when looking through all the pages!

    @ Mikihope.. I think it will be fun to add it to my collection of journals.. something kinda different!

    @ The Paper Princess.. I will link up this post! I'll be over there in just a few minutes! Thanks for letting me know about it!

    @ Josie.. I just can't get use to electronic journaling.. besides the blogs of course! I am still a lover of pen to paper!

  10. This looks like it could be fun. Look forward to seeing you again next Thirsty for Comments Thursday.

  11. Oh that does look fun! I want one!! lol.. Have fun with it!


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