Oh How Pinteresting!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Today I am linking up with The Vintage Apple for Oh, how Pintresting Wednesday! If you don't know anything about Pinterest its an amazing site where you can find so much inspiration. If you don't already....

Feel free to.. 

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The ultimate wedge..yum...
Paleo Fudge Drops
♥ cottonpops by The Decorated Cookie

Double tub-heaven!
Adore this Fran Satchel in beige by Shop Suey! #studdedaccessories
from lemon seeds. Lemon leaves smell so good.
I Heart Shabby Chic: Perfect Shabby Chic Vintage Bedroom

dog and cat petting chart
A Valentine’s Day Treat With Frozen Whipping Cream Heart
Fossil Women's Riley Rose Gold Plated Stainless Steel Bracelet

Button Art

Pink nail polish
orange and brown for warm look
Bacon Hearts - valentine breakfast in bed :). 400F - 18 min or so.
Today is full of possible #thinkpositive#quote

You can find all the details for these on my pinetrest page! 
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Ohhh.. if you need an invite.. just leave a me a comment with your email address and I will be happy to send you one! =)

Happy Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
3 comments on "Oh How Pinteresting!"
  1. oh my you have so many good pins here i'm going to have to start following you on pinterest! love them all!

    Trish @ Tales from ...

  2. I need that tub - that looks like heaven! Stopping by from the link up! :)


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