Its OK Thursday..

Thursday, January 17, 2013
Its Ok Thursdays
Its Ok..
That in every aspect of my life I feel behind. My motivation is at its lowest right now. 
Its Ok..
Its been a rather hard week. I feel like I am being tested. 
Its Ok..

that I have a ton of videos to make..Going to try to stay up and make a few of them early. 
Its Ok..
That I am growing tired of this city. I have been really been craving a change. 
Its Ok..

That Mariah Carey was a complete Diva on American Idol last night... she's earned it! 
Its Ok..
that its suppose to be really cold today.. wet and icy and I seriously need to go to the store. My kids think they are going to starve if I don't get shopping. 
Its Ok..
that parenting is hard... really hard. 
Its Ok..
that it seems mom and dad do all the work of the 


fish tank and don't get to enjoy any of it. 
Its Ok..
that I am still working on today's grocery list. Who knows if I will get it all done before I go.. I might just have to wing it!
Its Ok..
that Lance Armstrong is not perfect. I have loved him for a long time and I still love him. No matter what happened.. he's still amazing.
Its Ok..
that I am going back to bed. Its cold.. rainy..and the store can wait for a while. 

Happy Thursday! 


K Jaggers
4 comments on "Its OK Thursday.."
  1. Love the fish pic and I just have to say that your eyes are stunning btw

  2. @ Irfan.. thanks!

    @ Ashlee.. Thanks.. I never see them but they are the same as my dads!

  3. Love me some Mariah! Nikki just got on my nerves...I think she's jealous of MC!

    Dropping in from the linkup!

  4. @ Sheena Rae.. I totally agree!However.. I don't know what Nikki is doing to her face but I love it. She doesn't look like she even has a pore on her face. I was shocked when I saw how good her skin looked. I got to find out the secret! =)


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