Rain.. Rain.. Go..Away..Snows on the Way...

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Its been raining all day here.. All night too. I woke up to thunderstorms....and right now its pouring down rain still. Again.. making my day lazy. I wish I had accomplished more.. but I didn't do much. I slept more than I should have.. did little in the kitchen.. and enjoyed a night in front of the tv watching American Idol. I spent a lot of time on the phone tonight. I am still on the phone right now. And I still have things to do before I go to bed. Looks like I am coming home and going back to sleep. I will go shopping in the afternoon. However, we are actually going suppose to maybe get snow tomorrow. I can't believe it. Perfect huh? The night I have things to do.. its suppose to snow. No words..

So its been a busy day.. we'll catch up later! 

Have a great Thursday! 


K Jaggers
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