Lets Talk Vlog Link up → Spouses ←

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Helloooo!! Today I am linking back up with Haley over at Hayleys World for the


Today.. its all about our spouses.. Some of the questions  were..

How/when did you meet?
Was it love at first sight?
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
How long before you were engaged/married?
How did you get engaged?
The list could go on and on. 

So here are my answers! =)

K Jaggers
6 comments on "Lets Talk Vlog Link up → Spouses ←"
  1. Awe your husband sounds so sweet! I loved hearing the story of how you met!

  2. What a great story!!! Thanks so much for linking up with us!!!


  3. @ Jessica.. He is most of the time! =) Thank you!

    @ hayley.. Thanks so much! I love your linkups!

  4. Thank you for linking up! I am loving get to know you on each linkup :D Your husband sounds like a very sweet guy, gifts, food, being nice and talking with you. Your engagement story is so romantic! a cabin and just you and him. :)

  5. So sweet! He sounds lovely x

  6. @ Maribel.. Vlogs are fun.. aren't they! I love it.. Thank you.. I did marry the right guy the 2nd time! =))

    @ Bex.. Thanks so much! Happy New Year!


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