High 5 for Friday!

Friday, January 4, 2013

1. Spending the holidays with my mom and my sister. Always super happy when we are all together! 

2. Brittany Belle was here just a few days ago! Gosh.. she is growing up so fast on me. Can't wait till summer!! 

3. This past week I got a lot of new beauty items.. but I think I was most happy to get the new Physicians Formula BB Line! I got it all.. and so far I am really liking it! 

4. Spending the holidays with my husband and our son was so important. It was perfect but I was so happy to also spend it with them too! 

5. Watching Willow celebrate New Years with a sip of martini! She had never done that before.. it was like she knew it was a special night! 

Happy Friday! 

K Jaggers
4 comments on "High 5 for Friday! "
  1. looks like yall had fun@!!

  2. Hi Kisha! Happy Friday to you too! Your's is fun-filled!

    Thank you so much for linking up to the Fun Friday Blog Hop, it was truly appreciated.

    I hope you had fun meeting new bloggers! I'm following you. Come follow me back when you get the chance :)

    rea - http://homefor4sweethome.blogspot.com/

  3. Hello there! Thanks for linking up at fun friday blog hop :)

    Have a great week! Btw, I'm following you now.


  4. @ Ashley.. it was a lot of fun over the holidays! Getting us all together is the best way to celebrate anything!
    @Rea..I love links up where we can find more blogging friends. There is so many great bloggers out there..and I am following you now too! =)
    @Anne..Thanks for following and weclome! I am following you and hope to get to know you better over the new year! =)


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