Upcoming Crock-Pot Week Food Haul! [ Videox2 ]

Friday, January 4, 2013

Next Monday we are starting crock-pot week here at the Jaggers house. I posted the entire menu plan last night on This Post...that you can check out if you want to follow along!  I think its going to be a lot of fun.. and it should make next week a little easier! 

For the food items below I paid around $200. I wasn't couponing today. I should have been but I wasn't.. But I also bought some pet food and a few other things that just random stuff for the week like the cereal and grapes...plus drinks and such. I was going to Walmart.. but I got in the - PACKED - parking lot.. and decided I couldn't do it today. I just couldn't mingle with that many people... not in the mood.. So I took off to one of my favorite stores.

And I am doing a vlog linkup of my daily life.. so here's a small clip from inside the store..

Sorry about the lighting! 

Like a dumb ass, I though I could get out quicker checking myself out.. NOT..

But I finally got out of there.. 

And loaded it all up..

I made a quick stop by CVS and then came home! And couldn't be happier to be indoors. It was really cold here today and I hated it!

Here's what I got.. 

Busy day.. and lots to put up! 

Happy Friday! 

K Jaggers
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