Paperwork, I
know you are basically stacked to the ceiling waiting on me to sort through
you. I promise I will get to you really soon! Dear Scott, I really don’t want you working today.. but I
guess that is the price to pay for taking off Tuesday instead. I love you so
much and I am sorry that some nights I fail to show just how much you mean to
me. Dear Jackson, I am so glad you got to visit with your daddy. I
know how much you miss him. Just remember we all just want you to be happy and
healthy! Dear
you were a lot of fun but I am happy to be done with it. Most of your
decorations are down and I am working on the few items still sitting around! Dear Romeo, I want kittens.. Get busy! Dear Cold Weather, You suck.. you seriously suck! Please get back
to warmer days and night. Pretty Please! Dear New Laundry System.. you totally kick ass and I can’t
wait to show you off in a review post.. I just know everyone else will love you
as much as I do! ( Stay tuned for that upcoming video! ) Dear House, I am trying to
get you cleaned up but I always find better things to do! Seriously got to get
back on the flylady system to get this place cleaned up! Dear Josh, Thank you ..
thank you .. thank you!! You are a cute
kid and really nice. Thanks for all your help! Dear Neighbors, Most of you are
really nice around here.. thanks for being so kind over the past couple of
years.. However, my closest neighbors are assholes with dogs that bark everyday
really really early. It still upsets me.. but somehow my body is starting to
adjust and just go back to sleep. Maybe I am just exhausted.. but I feel for
all the other neighbors who they disturb too! Dear Grandma, You don’t have
any idea how much I miss you. You sound so cute on the phone. I miss you. I’ll
see you soon. Dear Mom, Hope you are getting settled in back at home! It was
great having you and I can’t wait until we can see each other again! Dear Brittany,
Hellllllooooooo Princess! I love you very much and also can’t wait to see you
again! Dear
American Idol and Dog the Bounty Hunter, Are you guys ever coming back on!?
Hurry up!! There is a new Dog the Bounty hunter show coming on CMT soon.. and I
am excited to watch it.. I don’t know what it is about that show.. but I love
it! Dear
Thank you so much for sharing our lives with us! My entire family reads and
giggles at the comments. My husband is always on the blog lurking around
reading what you say.. This blog is a huge part of our lives and you guys are a
big part of that! I am sorry if you were bothered by the woman stalking me. I
am working hard on making it stop. You guys have been nothing but kind and
supportive.. that means a lot to not just me.. but to my entire family. I love
you guys.
Happy Friday!
K Jaggers
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