Friday letters

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Friday! 

I hope you all are having a wonderful morning! 

Dear Self, You have got to get your lazy ass up and get somethings done. Try to find more of the good in others instead of just the bad. You also need a pedicure. Dear Cold Weather, you suck.. you suck.. you suck.. Dear Laundry.. you also suck! You are always lurking around needing to be sorted or washed.. and put away. God.. I miss being a kid! Dear Lance Armstrong, You came out with all the hard answers last night. And you still have more to say tonight but I love you. I don't care about what you did or didn't do. You are still awesome.. and maybe something good will come out of it. Dear Scott, I hope we get some alone time soon. I think we should just come into the bedroom.. lock the door and have date night right here. Wonder if we could get away with that!? Dear Romeo.. you are so freaking cool.. no wonder why everyone reaches for you first.. Top kitty of the house!!! Dear Mom, I hope you have a great weekend.. I love you. Lets move to Florida. Dear Brittany, You need to move to Florida too.. Pack!!! Pack!!! Pack!! Your mommy misses you! Dear Brandon, I am a little nervous about you joining the Air Force but I think it could give you some great opportunities. Dear Trina, I hope you are heading home to rest up.. you need to take it easy for a few days. I love you. Dear Jackson, You need to stop lying to your mom. You can trust me.. but if you mess up.. we have to deal with it. Telling a lie is just makes it just worse. We can figure things out together.. always. Dear Art.. you were right. See I told you I would put it in here. =)  Dear American Idol.. I still love you.. even with the new judges! This is going to be a fun season! Dear Grandma,  I wish we could have been together yesterday on your birthday. I know you can feel that I love you. I'm sorry I don't call more.. because I love you very much. Dear Readers, Thank you for all the kind an sweet comments. I love reading your blog posts as well and I hope in 2013 we all get to know each other a little better! 

Happy Friday! 

K Jaggers
4 comments on "Friday letters"
  1. Oh yes cold weather sucks!

  2. Would like to invite you to link up to Fun Friday Blog hop. Thanks! :)

  3. I love this letter, I should really try writing one - thanks for the inspiration!

    Sparkles and Shoes

  4. @ Anne.. I hate the cold! Moving to Florida in the summer!

    @ Kelly.. we link our letters up over at
    Just write your letters and link up! Thanks for stopping by! xoxo


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