Fill in the Blank Friday Link Up!!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Friday! 

Here are this weeks questions.. 

               1.   My day normally consists of 

Staying home and taking care of things here. My days vary. Some are easier than others but I am pretty much in charge of the house.. kids.. and pets. There is always something to do around the house. I love being home and find peace in the simple things.
2. I start the day  
getting Jackson off to school. That means waking up.... which totally sucks...making a quick breakfast, getting him ready and driving him to school. But weekends.. I sleep in! 

      3.    Coffee or Tea?
Always coffee in the morning.. Always. Tea is for the afternoon and evening! 

                4.For breakfast I normally
have coffee. Most of the time I like it with sugar no milk.. but if I am feeling a little hungry.. I will add some milk. Then there are days when I get up early and just in the mood to make something for breakfast. I tend to do that more in the spring and summer when I can eat outside. 

       5.    The alarm clock goes off at  
7:20 Monday - Friday.. I hate it.. I could seriously throw it against the wall most mornings. But I have to get Jackson to school so I drag my butt out of the bed every morning. Some mornings I am simply a robot just going through the motions. I have never been able to sleep good at night so I am normally really tired and just come back to bed for a few hours. 

     6.       The best time of day is 

When Scott gets home. I love it when we are all together and he's the first one out and last one home. We miss him! 

7.      Today I plan 
on trying to be a little more productive. I am hoping to get some errands ran and also clean up around the house too. Laundry is insane right now and I need to take some time to organize it all. I am hoping to do get some blog posts and videos up too !

Now Link up YOUR ANSWERS! 

Happy Friday! 

K Jaggers

6 comments on "Fill in the Blank Friday Link Up!! "
  1. I would love to answer the Friday questions, but don't know how!

  2. Have a great Friday and thank you for the reminder to Fill in the Blank Friday!!

  3. Thanks for telling me about your link up!


  4. Thanks for telling me about your link up!


  5. I linked up to your party, not sure if I'm suppose to answer the same questions in a post on mt blog. LOL

    Thanks for hosting and visiting Sew-Licious Home Decor!


  6. Thank you ladies.. For those of you unsure.. all you do is answer the same questions on your blog.. or make a video.. your choice.. and come back and link up your blog posts with your answers! If you don't blog.. you can always leave your answers in the comments! Happy Weekend!


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