Helloooo! I hope you all have had a very good Wednesday. For me.. it was extremely busy filled with getting things ready for Christmas! As you can see, I had fun playing and taking pictures of Cooper today! He is a pretty dog.. for sure.. and that Santa hat doesn't look too bad on him either!
I had about 20 Christmas cards to send off. I already sent 15 but I was slacking so I got busy with that in between picking up the house and switching laundry out.
Here they are..
cute huh!? Too bad I didn't have Super Coopers Christmas pictures done when I had these made. But maybe he can go on next years card!
While I was working on the cards, my order from Swiss Colony came in.
I love this company. I have always got food and even gifts that are really nice.
I plan on having a big cheese platter out on Christmas Day and I thought this
beef and cheese kit would be great to serve up.
I also got these Petits Fours...
which are really cute that I will put out on a little plate..
And I also got this
adorable chocolate log
Its a cake and on the end
are these adorable raccoons.
Here is a picture from their website so you can see what the cake looks like.
I have ordered stuff for years from this company and I love them. I actually have one more thing that should be in soon.
I had to run to CVS today and look at what I saw!
I love it.. I want it.. and I promise you, I plan on getting it!
The film is pretty cheap too. You wouldn't use it all the time but I would love to have this sitting around!
After CVS, I dropped by my tiny little Post Office.. Again..
Yesterday I tried to mail a $15 gift and it was going to be $43 to get it there. NO THANK YOU. I have made friends with the ladies in there..
The lady to the right is who I talk to the other day. I reminded her that a few weeks ago she helped me send a even larger package to Pakistan and it was a fraction of the price. PAKISTAN. We just laughed and laughed..
This time I got her again..
and she was so funny! I don't care for this state but I do have to admit, the people you find out and about in our little town outside of Shelby has some of the friendliest people.
I got those stamps on the envelopes while giggling with her.. and to be very honest.. I had a bit of fear that someone could possibly " go postal " again.. right there. I kinda brushed the feeling off.. but it was there. Its moments like that when its hard to tell if its " intuition" or just fear. I didn't say anything of course..this is the first time I am speaking of it. The shootings across America shake us all to our very core.
Anyway, I got on with my errands.. Hit the grocery store.. Check out all that butter.. its time to bake some cookies. I am not doing a ton of baking because I just don't want to do it but we are baking cookies.
I came home and worked for a while and even wrapped some presents. I am awful at it.. seriously I am terrible at wrapping gifts and honestly don't care. It all ends up in the trash with the exception of gift bags.
I was pretty proud of myself.
Then I got busy putting up more Christmas Decorations.
Even though I am doing stockings in a box this year..
still hung the stockings really high and they look pretty cool!
I also hung some snow flakes on the dining room chandler.
I am not done with this room but when I am.. I will take some more pictures. but its already pretty in there.
Around the huge window in our living room I hung some charming personalized ornaments.
I had to buy 2 of the blank ones for my name and Zanes name. I just used a sharpie and they came out pretty good!
There are tons of boxes of gifts that to be opened and some of them have to be wrapped.
Its really starting to feel like Christmas!
The fire place is really pretty.
And in the downstairs bathroom I put the lantern my husband bought behind the snowmen and it looks realy neat when its lit up.
Here's what it looked like with the light on.
Also Jackson came home and told me I had to go shopping for his party. I have been asking for a week about the party.. he didn't bring any papers home. and tonight he says he signed up to bring some kind of candy and paper plates. Aren't they suppose to have the parents sign up.. not the kids? I found that strange but I had to go out and do some shopping.
Can I just say.. is this bag not the cutest?
I love the kitty cat!
I picked out this candy..
I had to get a bunch of it..
and I got 2 of the big Santa Claus
for the teacher and teachers assistant and we also got his teacher, we got her a monogrammed coffee mug.. or tea or even something cold. I didn't get a picture of it.. but it was cute. I have one just like it..
And I go the paper plates of course.
I didn't cook tonight which was nice but I stayed busy. I cleaned up the kitchen some.. worked on laundry.. and then came upstairs and cleaned my bathroom really well. The cats are so messy in there. Its crazy but I cleaned that all up.. took a long hot bath and crawled in bed. And tomorrow I have to do it all over again. I will also be working on the list of last minute presents we need to buy, grocery list....on and on and on. I am happy with how much I got done and I am happy that tomorrow is Jacksons last day of school until January 7th! Wooooo-hooooo!!!!
Time for bed!
K Jaggers
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