Its Ok Thursday

Thursday, December 20, 2012
Its Ok Thursdays

It’s Ok

That we are all still in shock and disbelief about what happened to those children in Connecticut  Its going to take a long while to work through through all those emotions. Just keep praying and hoping that we figure out ways to help make this stop.

 It’s Ok

 That I am still running behind with a lot of stuff around here but I am feeling a little better. Boy, yesterday was a super busy day and I pretty much collapsed in bed around 930. But little by little I am getting ahead! 

It’s Ok

That I am not over doing it with the kids this year. I want my kids to have everything they want for sure.. but I also want to keep a reasonable budget this year. To be very honest.. we charged a lot of Christmas gifts last year and it took almost the entire year to pay them off. Stupid.. Stupid.. Stupid.. Not this year. 

 It’s Ok

That I have ate way to much chocolate this week.. yummmmmm!! 

It’s Ok

That my hair is a complete mess most days of the week. IDK.. my hair has always had a mind of its own but growing a bob out with crazy hair is hard to do.. I have came so close to reaching for the scissors many many times. 

 It’s Ok

That I totally messed somthing up. I bought a gift for someone for about $15. I go to mail it the other day but I ended up laughing the ladies out of that post office. It was going to cost $43 to mail that $15 gift because of where it was going. I seriously made the - not so hard - decision to say screw it.. they are just going to have to live with a card! No way I am paying almost 3xs the amount of the gift to send it.. Sorry Clair. =( I promise I will make it up to you!

It’s Ok

That my damn rooster was crowing ( alarm clock sound) this morning.. even though it sounds pretty damn real early in the am.. You know why its ok? Because today is the last day of school for Jackson until January 7th.. WOW... I get to sleep in!!!! Totally freaking loving it! 

 It’s Ok

That my dream to move us to Florida is still not a reality BUT my dream is getting closer and closer to making it happen!

It’s Ok

That I totally loved this picture.. 

How did Spider Man get into the White House!? Freaking adorable!!! I really do like our President. 

 It’s Ok

that we find moments of joy in the mist of all the pain. This entire week is going to be incredibly painful while they are laying to rest all the victims but finding those little moments that make us smile for just a few minutes is more than ok. 

 It’s Ok 

that my 10 year old daughter who lives with her father decided to not go to bed and blow up my cell phone. Yea.. seriously. This isn't going to be such an easy ride is it? She's a good girl... makes good grades.. but she is really starting to push it with me. Patience.. Patience.. Patience..

It’s Ok

that I really love you guys. The blogging community is a world of its own and I have made so many great friends. Thank you for all your kind words, love and support. 

Have a beautiful Thursday

K Jaggers
1 comment on "Its Ok Thursday"
  1. Hi :)
    I found you from the Thursday linkup and really loved your post today. Our heads truly are still reeling from what happened in CT and I am so glad everyone has pulled together to support that community. And honestly, my hair is a bit of a mess today too so you're not alone :)
    Have a wonderful Thursday!

    Now following (I'm your 200th!),

    xo Georgina


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