Coffee Talk #15: Randomocity

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Good Morning to you! I hope your day is starting off well. Time for another coffee talk post! 


What type of phone do you have?
 I have the newest Samsung Galaxy Phone. But seriously thinking about trying out the note next time! 

Look to your right, what do you see?

When I look to my right there is a big mirror and I see...

Kisha Watteau-Jaggers


List 5 random facts about yourself...

Here's a few more than 5! 

What is that one talent you wish you were great at?


Playing the piano. I picked to play the violin when I was little instead. 

Go to and hit random article. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band. Go to and click random quotes. The last four or five words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first ...album. Go to and click on “explore”. Seventh picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover. Use to put it all together. Now show us your album :)

Have a great Thursday! 

Link up..

.K Jaggers

2 comments on "Coffee Talk #15: Randomocity"
  1. I wish I could play the piano too!!!!!

  2. What a great blog!! Your kiddies and kitties are so cute! Beautiful family :)

    Stephanie (from coffee talk link up)


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