Friday Letters

Friday, December 21, 2012


Dear Victims of New Town, I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. My heart breaks for those kids and teachers. Each one of you are in my prayers.  Dear Christmas, You are getting so close! I am so excited to see my family! Dear North Carolina, I love that with any luck.. this will be our last Christmas here. Florida is in my head and I have to go. Dear Jackson, I think you are such a sweetheart. But just because you are my baby, doesn’t mean you can fail math. It’s time to play less and study more..Well, after Christmas break! Dear Scott, Do you have any idea how madly in love with you I am? Why didn’t we find each other sooner? Thank you for everything you do for our family. Dear House, we are slowly getting you cleaned up. Later this evening, its carpet cleaning time. Dear Instagram, I wish you would get your shit together. First off.. I love you and don’t want to have to give you up but you can’t sell my pictures! Thankfully.. you listened.. Yea!  Dear Friday, You are going to be extremely busy but I am as prepared for it as much as I can be. Please be nice to me. Dear Mom, I love you. I am thankful you are my mom. I am thankful for every talk and every bit of advice you give me. That doesn’t mean I always take it but I do listen. I would be lost without you. Dear Romeo, you are still the top kitty cat in this house and always will be. Dear Brandon, I am proud of you for all the hard work you are doing. Growing up sucks doesn’t it!? Dear Car, Thank you for getting me to town the other day on 0 miles to empty. Guess I should look at the gas gage more! That was a close one. Dear Brittany, Please start to understand that its best that you be yourself instead of acting like anyone else. You are my daughter. You are strong, beautiful and smart. That is enough to carry you through life. Be yourself. I love you. Dear Readers, Thank you so much for taking a few minutes out of your day to stop in and check out our crazy life! Thank you for all your sweet comments and emails. Blogging has truly been an amazing experience. This is the last Friday Letter Post until after Christmas so I wish you the best Christmas ever!


K Jaggers

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