High Five Friday!

Friday, December 21, 2012

1.  Scott & Romeo They both are so precious to me. I could have never married a man who doesn’t love kitty cats. I got the right one.. lucky girl I am!

2.    Christmas Cards I finally got the last 20 sent out yesterday! I was so happy to get it done. I think cards are a lost art. I understand that there are so many other ways to say Merry Christmas or happy holidays but I still love photo cards!

3.     New Camera That wonderful husband of mine, got me a new camera right before Christmas. Thank you baby. I am so hard on cameras so I am trying my best to take care of this one.

4.     Super Cooper ready for Christmas! Too bad I didn’t take his Christmas pictures sooner so he could have been on the card too! He really is a cute dog! 

5.    Lush Ocean Salt Face and Body Scrub Right now my skin is so dry. It had been a long while since I had used this but I recently got a new one and I forgot how good it feels and smells on my skin. It took my dry skin right off.. leaving my skin feeling clean and moisturized. I love it..super happy to “ re discover it!

Have a great Friday! 

Link up!

K Jaggers
2 comments on "High Five Friday! "
  1. my skin is ridiculously dry! I need some good products to help get the dead skin off yet moisturize. I've never been big on face products because it used to be so oily I'd break out!

  2. Way to go on your Christmas cards. I didn't get mine sent out until the 20th! Oops. I'm a little jealous that you married a kitty-friendly man. My husband is definitely not a cat lover, though I still daydream about having kitties once we live in a pet-friendly home. Thanks for linking up with the Mommy-Brain Mixer this week. Please double check to be sure you link to a specific post and not your homepage next time. No big deal, it just makes finding the "mommyhood" posts a little easier for us. Have a great Christmas!


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