So how was your Monday? Around here things were calm and we stayed busy around the house.. Scott and I took about 2 hours cleaning the house. I normally doing my weekly cleaning on Monday's and since husby was home..
he didn't mind helping out! It was nice too. He seemed to enjoy it. I'm serious.. he's a different man since he left his job. He's not going back to work till after the holidays so we are really getting to spend some time together.
I had a pretty full day.. which included taking care of all the animals.
including feeding the fish.. the cats.. the dog.. and I was constantly cleaning.
Thankfully about 4 pm we finished and just collapsed on the couch. I took that time to get ready for Thanksgiving dinner.
on one side I listed what I am serving and on the other side I put my grocery list. And its all in my planner for safe keeping until I can get to the store.. which should be tomorrow. I already did a post on what I am serving.. you can find it right here.
Since Scott was home today, I actually took the time to eat some lunch for a change..
And my sandwich was pretty damn good!
Scott enjoyed the afternoon chatting away to family and friends..
I love this picture!!
For dinner tonight I made some really yummy pork chops..
I made fried pork chops drizzed with balsamic vinegar served over mixed greens with tomatoes also drizzled with some of the same balsamic vinegar. The heat from the pork chops wilts the lettuce.. and its AMAZING!
I also served it up with some cheesy potatoes..
I put like $15 worth of cheese and bacon on them.. the boys loved them!
I served it up with some simple
sweet peas
and dinner was served..
The dinner table was quiet because everyone was eating up. It was a really good dinner and I had it done in 30 minutes and managed to clean the kitchen as I cooked.
After dinner Scott and I took off to town do a little shopping and we walked into
Gabby running all around the house playing! It was so cute. She is the most timid kitty we own and I love watching her come out of her shell and play!
And Jackson was loving on
Scott and I came upstairs for most of the evening and I got busy cleaning my desk. It was stacked with paperwork, books, magazines, and tons of other stuff.
After about an hour
I got it t really cleaned up but big boy decided to nap right in the way!
I then cleaned out my " make up desk " and even
got all my make up brushed washed. OMG.. it took so long but I am really happy the job is done. I shouldn't have waited so long! I plan on doing a video of the way I have my make up stored and its really working well right now. Its in an old desk I wasn't really using that closes up so it hides everything. I need to buy a really nice vanity but right now I am not so focused on buying anything other than Christmas presents! And its working really well for me so why change it!?
Tomorrow Scott has some running around to do and I am going to do a little more around the house and then have Scott take me to get what we need from the market for dinner on Thursday. Wednesday I plan on doing some of the cooking in advance.
Then over the weekend, I plan on putting up the Christmas Tree!!! Exciting!! Time really flys!
Well I am sleepy.. and ready for bed. Talk to you guys tomorrow!
K Jaggers
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