Good Morning!
I woke up to Scott doing handy work around the house. While I shouldn't complain.. I wish husby would have waited a least an hour or so before waking me up! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! I love that he is FINALLY doing a few of the much needed home repairs but gosh.. I woke up a little bit earlier than I wanted!
Not much going on around here. I have a few errands to run later but nothing too pressing. Brittany is not too happy with me today! I got into her facebook account and changed a few things up! Tee- Hee!!! She sent me a text message saying..
" Mom, I love youbut sometimes I want to murder you!!! "
Spoken like a true daughter! Too bad little Brittany... your mom has TOTAL CONTROL over your accounts until you are 18!! =)
Anyway, I hope you have a great Friday!
K Jaggers
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