The convience of the big grocery stores and markets. I know it may sound a little simple but we are so lucky to live in a country where we have some of the largest best markets in the world. Seriously.. Grocery stores in South Africa certainly don't have what we have.. Many parts of Europe and China also don't have the big mass grocery stores that we have.
I was wondering around the store yesterday looking through all the containers of hummus.. and I was shocked to count 14 different kinds.. different brands.. who needs that big of a variety of hummus????
The produce was so pretty.. all the big piles of apples and grapes.. I really did take in the moment because I had so much to choose from. I was pushing my buggie all around trying to figure out what I wanted.
Just think about it.. think about all the choices we get at our grocery stores..
So many places around the world don't offer this kind of shopping.
Look at the juices alone.. Oh.. my choices choices!
Also check out the pet isle alone the next time you are shopping. There are so many choices for our pets too. I think we are very very lucky around here to have such nice grocery stores.. and I was rather happy while I was shopping the other day!
I even made a food haul vlog!!
Also check out the pet isle alone the next time you are shopping. There are so many choices for our pets too. I think we are very very lucky around here to have such nice grocery stores.. and I was rather happy while I was shopping the other day!
I even made a food haul vlog!!
Take a second while you are in your market and think about how lucky you are to be in a store that gives you so many choices.. For that alone, I am
K Jaggers
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