Happy Thursday Friends! I know last week I missed this post.. I was traveling and there was no time to blog. =( But here I am , a week later, and today's post is very simple..
What I think
keeps us together
I really think home is the answer.
First off.. I really think us being homebodies is one of the biggest keys to keeping our marriage strong.
Scott and I rarely got out the bars and go partying. Call me crazy, but I don't think going out partying on any kind of regular basis is good for a marriage.. Drinking..Fighting.. Flirting.. all that stuff comes along with being in the bars together. It just does. In the beginning Scott and I were traveling and we were in the bars a lot with the sales guys and it did have its share of problems. But when we came off the road.. we stopped doing that. Instead, we focused on bringing our family together and for night when we wanted to have a few drinks.. we did it AT HOME TOGETHER. I am not a big drinker anyway so this never mattered to me.
However, I have many friends who are married.. who go out and tell me that it is a problem in many ways. They argue more because they are drinking causing loose tongues.. there is unwanted flirting a lot ( and you know what?? From what I heard it is the ladies doing the flirting, and the guys getting upset. ) .. there is the cost of those pricey drinks.. often leading to regret the next day. Also for the ones with kids, I am sure their parenting skills on a hangover are not so top notch either. So it does seem to be the wrong thing to do. Plus they have the chance of getting pulled over or getting into an accident if they are driving themselves. I have asked many of my friends why they continue to do the bar thing after marriage and none of them can come up with a good reason they still do it.. I am not talking dinner and drinks.. I think that is ok.. because its still just the two of you.. not a bar full of people.
Home is so much better of an option. No pricey watered down drinks.. comfort of your own home. not driving.. and being able to have one on one time with your husband or wife in a quiet environment is always going to be the best option. The proof is in my marriage.. its lasted and I see it lasting forever and I really really think Home is the reason why.
Scott and I both love being at home together. He does work a lot but this is the place we both come together and its one of the most important aspects of our marriage. We are homebodies and I think that has worked in our advantage. Clearly our home is about love because we keep having kids and family move in!!
I should also say that at this point in our marriage my home is wherever my husband is. He could move me anywhere.. to any house and I feel the same. It doesn't really change for us. The house is mainly a shell and we fill it with our love, laughter, and memories.
We are both happy at home together and I really really believe that is one of the major things that has kept us working. Neither of us would have ever put with with the other being in the bars.. or going out a lot without the other. Nope.. that wouldn't work here. Occasionally Scott will stop and have a beer with one of the guys but its not often and he is home pretty fast.
My point of this post is this..
Try hanging out at home with your loved one instead of going out and hitting the clubs and bars. I don't say this because I am a old grump,. I say it because I think at home you will be able to be yourselves.. without having to shout over a loud band.. without the problems bars bring. I really believe that you can have just as much fun at home without all the problems.
Home means everything to me. Probably one of the reasons I am happiest at this point in my life. I love being a " housewife ". I am here all the time for my family. Our house is not a perfect house. There is always a pile of laundry lurking around .. shoes all over the house.. cat hair and dog hair are pretty much decoration around here but we love it. I use to try keep it perfect around here. But with a houseful of kids and my husband its virtually impossible to keep everything perfect. I was cleaning all the time in the summer and now I am doing what I can..but not allowing it to take over. So what the clothes are waiting to be folded in the dryer.. homework with Jackson comes first.... or the kitchen waits while I am playing with the kittys... And blogging might have to wait while I am curled up in bed watching a movie with my husband. And all that takes place at HOME..
You know whats funny.. I had home in my blood from an early age. I didn't play with a ton of toys but guess what I did play with??
Doll houses. I can remember having 3 of them.. 1 Big one that my grandfather Watteau built me.. A massive Barbie doll house.. with the pool. And another one that we found at a yard sale. Both my grandparents worked with me to decorate them. Gosh.. what Flashback!
I might just have to find pictures and do a doll house post! Anyway.. maybe this was the life I was meant to live from a very early age. I love home.. I love the people who I share this home with.. and I bet if you focus on being home more together.. you will have a better relationship!
Happy Thursday!
K Jaggers
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